Title: Volume 3

Corresponding Manga

Episode 3
Volume 1, Pg. 97-118
Episode 4
Volume 1, Pg. 119-149

Aired in Japan

First Dates

Episode 5
Episode 4

Channel: Fuji TV

Time:Saturday 7PM

Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange

Episode 5
"A Sudden Storm of Love"

After a small replay of Episode 2's ending, Ranma and Kuno take a plunge in Furinkan High School's swimming pool. Ranma (in girl form obviously) dives deep to escape but Kuno follows and grabs him around the chest. In fury, Ranma pulls Kuno from the pool and slams him into the ground then bounds off kicking Kuno in the face. Kuno contemplates his run in with a female then decides that Saotome switched places somewhere in the fight with a female and then.
Akane finds Ranma drying off in a tree and yells at him for being such an idiot. Then tosses Ranma a kettle of water while she runs off to distract Kuno while Ranma changes back. During the fight between Akane and Kuno, the latter is flung into the tree and lands on Ranma's kettle. Ranma drops him on his head after he insults Ranma's boy side. Ranma-chan then procedes to kick Kuno in the face. Kuno is debted to date her now, since he lost. aughter, sends Nabiki, the middle daughter, to tell Akane that her her
Back at home, things aren't going as well as they could. Genma is upset that Ranma hasn't thanked Akane for her help in distracting Kuno. Ranma silences him by splashing him with water. The Tendo's water doesn't seem to be working so Soun and Genma (in panda form) head off for the public baths to change Genma back. After some thought, Ranma tries to thank Akane but over hears her shouting to Nabiki that she is "..engaged to her worst nightmare." Angry, Ranma forgets about thanking her and turns uprubtly into Kasumi, startled she drops a pail of water on the returning Genma and Soun.
The next morning you find out, Genma spends the night as a panda, since he doesn't feel it's worth changing back and Akane and Ranma head off to school. Akane fights her way through the mass of boys, but there is no sign of Kuno. Kuno spends his fighting time a top Furinkan's clock tower. In his class, Nabiki tells Kuno she can get a message to the Pig-Tailed Girl.
Nabiki delivers a message to Ranma, the girl half, as he and Akane are sparring. Ranma is invited to Furinkan's field to meet Kuno, at what he thinks will be a fight, but he is wrongly mistaken. Ranma changes froms, since Kuno doesn't know that they are one and the same, and heads off. When he arrives, Kuno is a few minutes late, but when he arrives, instead of attacking, he throws Ranma a bunch of Roses and proclaims his love for her.

Episode 4
"Ranma and... Ranma? If It's Not One Thing, It's Another"

Ranma is having various nightmares about Kuno professing his love for him, in both forms unfortunately. He wakes suddenly, remembering Kuno walking into the sunset saying, "I love you." Ranma heads for the bathroom and fights for it's usage with his father. Soun breaks them up, accidentally grabbing a female Ranma's chest. (Common occurance, the grabbing of the chest..) Ranma punches Soun in the face as the Tendo sisters walk in on him holding her.
Akane and Ranma head off to school getting in a small fight, then running off so they aren't late. Instead of standing by, this time Ranma helps her plough through Furinkan's males. Together they kick Kuno sharply in the face knocking him flat on his back. Akane is unappreciative of Ranma's help.
Nabiki visits Kuno in the nurse's office and witnesses him obsessing over the Pig-Tailed Girl and Akane Tendo. She upruptly smacks him with a pan. When Nabiki gets home, she finds Ranma sleeping. She splashes him with cold water and snaps a few shots of his girl side while he's in less than fully decent posses then reverts him back. She leaves to finish the role of film on Akane, who is training outside. As she does, Nabiki gets a message, via an arrow, from Kuno, inviting her to a cafe.
At this cafe, Kuno intends for Nabiki to deliver the Pig-Tailed Girl a cute little dollie. Before he can get off without spending money, Nabiki shows Kuno a few of her pictures of Ranma. After speghetti and 1,000 yen per photo (there are five.. that's somewhere close to fifty bucks), Kuno gets his hands on Ran-chan's pictures. Nabiki soon learns that Kuno still has a burning flame for Akane, too. Then after some ice cream and 2,000 yen a piece (another five pics, making somewhere near l00 dollars!!) Kuno gets these photos as well. Instead of delivering the doll (and a special bonus for buying all her lovely pics), Nabiki tells Kuno that the fastest way to get his gift to the pig-tailed girl is to give them to Ranma. Then she returns home with an invitation to male Ranma this time.
Ranma heads off to find Kuno. Kuno gives him the doll, but Ranma tosses it back and says Kuno will never see the pig-tailed girl again if he can help it. Then he runs off around the corner and is splashed from above, changing forms. Kuno charges after him and finds his pig-tailed Venus. After punching him, he hugs her and Nabiki changes him back while in his arms. Ranma kicks him in the face, and Kuno claims he is a practitioner of black magic. He demands that Ranma return the pig-tailed girl to him. In an attempt to help, Nabiki says that the pig-tailed girl's body and soul belong to Ranma. A wash tub slams into Kuno's head as he thinks that Ranma has claimed his girl half as some sort of love slave.
Kuno attacks Ranma, his lovely pictures fall from his body and Ranma snatches them up. Distracted, Kuno gets in a good hit. After Akane yells at him for not paying attention (and Ranma comments on her panties, since he's looking up her dress from the ground) Kuno begins his thousand piercing strikes, the force of which in air pressure alone begins to shatter an obelisk. Ranma dodges every blow and kicks Kuno around six or seven times fast enough not to be seen. Ranma shows Akane the pictures and comments on how much better looking he is.. Akane takes Kuno's bokken and attacks Ranma.

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